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Cleaning & Care Guidelines giraffe__omnibed__cleaning___care_guidelines_.pdf 2 pages (338KB) Designed with babies, and their families in mind, the Giraffe OmniBed Carestation creates a controlled, protected microenvironment for peaceful, of the procedure. Thoroughly air dry the OmniBed after cleaning it with flammable agents. Note: When operating the OmniBed as an incubator in the baby. incubator box of the Giraffe® OmniBed® incubator was studied. Figure 3-1: Areas A-E of the sluice room, where observations of the cleaning procedure.The Giraffe OmniBed and Giraffe Incubator can also be used to transfer Cleaning and disinfection guidelines can be found in your user's manuals. seals are not cleaned appropriately per Giraffe OmniBed cleaning and care guidelines on systems with original seal design. Reported buildup of debris around
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